Root Planing
After a deep cleaning, your gums may be sensitive to brushing and flossing and generally sore for two to four days. Rinse with warm salt water to relieve any discomfort. You may also experience an increase in temperature sensitivity on the exposed root surfaces, but it should resolve over the next couple of months. If you experience a significant increase in temperature sensitivity, contact us for advice.
Crowns and Bridges
After having a crown or bridge prepared, you can expect sore gum tissues for a day or two. A temporary crown or bridge is pretty strong, but it can break if you chew or eat anything really hard or sticky. If it should come off, we must put it back on to protect the tooth and hold the tooth’s position. If we don’t, your permanent restoration may not fit, delaying placement.
You may also experience slight temperature sensitivity for a few weeks up to a couple of months. All gold crowns conduct heat and cold much more efficiently than temporary plastic crowns. If you experience any other sensitivity or your bite feels off, contact us for advice.
Root Canals
Most patients who need a root canal typically have significant pain. A root canal can relieve pain in a hurry, but you can expect biting sensitivity for two to four days. Over-the-counter medications should take care of this discomfort. If swelling starts or increases, call the office immediately, as you may need to be placed on antibiotics. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us as soon as possible. Most teeth after a root canal need a crown, which should be done within two months.
Most extractions are fairly uncomplicated, healing without any additional intervention. Bite on the gauze you received at your extraction appointment for about 30 minutes after leaving to put direct pressure on the wound and stop the bleeding. You probably won’t experience extended bleeding unless you’re taking a blood thinner such as aspirin, Plavix or Coumadin. If you do experience extended bleeding past about two hours, place a moistened black tea bag directly on the socket with biting pressure. The tannic acid in black tea is a natural clotting agent. If you still experience bleeding with the tea bag after 30 minutes, call Dr. Wright, even if it’s after hours.
You shouldn’t experience increased swelling. If you do, contact us to determine if another issue is causing it. Generally, extractions cause moderate discomfort for two days, but it should improve each day after that. If it gets worse, contact us for advice. We rarely prescribe antibiotics for an uncomplicated extraction, but if we do, make sure to take it as instructed.
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Usually, wisdom teeth removal is a more extensive surgical procedure, requiring you to take multiple prescription medications before and after your appointment. Make sure to carefully take them as instructed. You can expect visible swelling for one to three days, but it should quickly subside after that. Wisdom teeth removal can also cause moderate pain, but the medication should help relieve it. Additionally, you may experience a bit of extended bleeding, so bite on the gauze for at least an hour after leaving the office. To further control swelling, pain and bleeding, place ice bags on your cheeks over the extraction area for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. After the third day, the pain should improve each day. If it gets worse, contact us, as you may be developing a dry socket. Further, you’ll usually receive a stitch or two that we must remove in about five to seven days.